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Terms & Conditions for Off-road 

rollerskiing course - 5 days

Please fill out the info boxes below, and read all terms thoroughly, and then scroll to the bottom and send the document

Tour Price

The total tour price per person is 4500 DKK pr. person including VAT

What is included/not included for the Roller ski course in Denmark.

The following points are included in the tour price for the roller ski course:

  • Instruction from a qualified Arctic Nature Guide and IVSI certified ski instructor

  • Rental off – road roller skis,

  • Rental ski poles

  • Rental elbow, knee, hips and hand protectors


The following points are NOT included in the tour price for the Roller ski course, and the participants are responsible themselves for fixing/bringing these points before the course starts:

  • Transport to/from “Hald Ege” in Denmark

  • Accomodation

  • Food, snacks for all days

  • Transport during the course. We will be able to coordinate transport for some of the days

  • Backpack (must be big enough to contain water, clothing, food, snacks for long days outside)

  • Warm/waterproof clothing (must be able to keep warm and dry during long days outside in 0-10 degrees celsius)

  • Solid running or hiking boots

  • Bicycle helmet

  • Personal travel insurance

  • Any extra expenses due unforeseen events and changes (delayed flights, extra logistics and accommodation)

  • Entrance fee to historic site (not for sure that we will use this)

Structure of the course:

  • On day 1, we will meet at 08:30 at "Hald Ege School". Here we will use two different training grounds and do basic exercises. The plan for the rest of the course will be determined based on the weather forecast and progress in the group.

  • Course is finishing during the afternoon/evening on day 5.


Minimum number of participants:

  • In order for this course to run, there needs to be 3 confirmed participants lastest 3 weeks before the course starts.

  • In case that there is not, a full refund of the tour price of 4500 DKK will be reimbursed to all participants.

  • However, this does NOT include any other expense that the participant has had in connection with the travel to/from Denmark, and the “roller ski course”. Expenses to any flight tickets/transport, expenses to any equipment purchase/rentals, expenses to any accommodation in Denmark will NOT be refunded by Thule Expeditions. The only expense that will be refunded by Thule Expeditions in the case of the trip being cancelled, is the tour price of 4500 DKK per person.


Cancellation policy:

  • Due to planning reasons, and purchasing of flight tickets, and other logistics, a 100 % of the tour price, is NON-Refundable.

  • Therefore, it is highly advisable that the participant purchases a travel/cancellation insurance that covers the costs of the tour, in case of the participant not being able to do the tour due to unforeseen events such as serious illness, family issues or other personal problems etc.

  • In the unlikely event that the guide from Thule Expeditions is not able to do the course, due to unforeseen events such as serious illness, family issues or other personal problems, a full refund of the Tour Price 4500 DKK per person, will be reimbursed to the participant. However, this does NOT include any other expense that the participant has had in connection with the travel to/from Denmark, and the “rollerski course”. Expenses to any flight tickets/transport, expenses to any equipment purchase/rentals, expenses to any accommodation in Denmark will NOT be refunded by Thule Expeditions. The only expense that will be refunded by Thule Expeditions in the case of the trip being cancelled, is the tour price of 4500 DKK per person. Therefore, it is highly recommended for the participants to purchase a travel/cancellation insurance that covers these expenses in the unlikely case of Thule Expeditions cancelling the rollerski course.


Covid-19 & all other Pandemics and Epidemics:

  • Due to planning reasons, and purchasing of transport tickets, equipment, and other logistics, a 100 % of the tour price is NON- Refundable

  • These terms are also valid in case that the participant is unable to travel to Denmark due to Covid-19 restrictions, or restrictions caused by any other Pandemic and Epidemic.

  • Therefore it is highly advisable that the participant has a travel/cancellation insurance that covers these situations.


Medical and mental/psychological conditions:

  • The participant is obliged to inform the guide at Thule Expeditions as soon as possible with regards to any specific physical/medical/psychological condition that the participant might have.

  • The participant is obliged to inform the guide at Thule Expeditions as soon as possible about any use of medical drugs and medicine.

  • The Participant is obliged to give this information to the guide well before the trip/course starts, either by mail or by phone

  • In the case that the participant gives the above-mentioned information about personal conditions, it will be treated completely confidential and secure. The other participants will not be informed about any conditions, unless there is a clear consent to do so.


Personal preparation & requirements for the participant:

  • The participant must be fit enough for long and demanding days outside in Autumn conditions

  • The participants must be able to cope with being outside for 5 days with varying weather, some periods with rain must be expected.

  • The participant takes full responsibility for meeting the physical fitness level requirements for the course

  • The participant is obliged to follow and consider the advices given online by the guide on how to prepare for the course, both with regards to training and with equipment


Safety and Responsibility during the Roller ski course:

  • Thule Expeditions does not assume any responsibility for any damages to personal belongings during the course, such as cameras, smart phones, or other equipment etc.

  • All plans and programs can be changed or cancelled at any moment during the trips to assure the safety of the participants and guide

  • No responsibility is accepted for losses, expenses due to delays, changes of flights, or other services

  • No responsibility is accepted for additional cost for new flights/transport and accommodation, due to later arrival back at “Naturskolen at Hald Ege” than planned.

  • Roller skiing is inherently dangerous and there is always some chance that you will get hurt while participating on this course. However, the guide at Thule Expeditions will do his best to ensure the safety of all participants and further bicycle helmet is mandatory for all participants on this course.

  • Thule Expeditions cannot be held responsible for any accidents or deaths that arises from doing this course. This also applies even though the participant has worn all safety equipment and followed all instructions from Thule Expeditions instructor. This is because there is will always be some risk for health and safety while doing roller skiing.

  • Thule Expeditions, and Thule Expeditions guide cannot be held accountable nor be sued for any accidents or deaths occurring from doing this off-road rollerski course

  • All participants are therefore participating fully at their own risk for their health and safety



  • It is very important to be able to communicate clearly with the guide

  • Due to safety reasons, participants must be able to communicate clearly with the guide in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or English during this course


Search and rescue while doing the Roller ski course in Denmark with Thule Expeditions

  •  In general Search and Rescue are free of charge in Denmark

  • In the case that the group or any participants needs to be rescued, Thule Expeditions will NOT cover any costs with regards to new flights/transport, hotel accommodation or any other expense that will arise from being rescued while doing the course/trip.

  • Therefore, it is highly recommended that the participant is purchasing a travel insurance that specifically cover the costs of new travel arrangements and accommodation etc.

  • Thule Expeditions will NOT cover any expenses at all that arises from being rescued by the authorities while doing a course in Denmark with Thule Expeditions.

  • Thule Expeditions will NOT refund any of the paid tour fee of 4500 DKK in case that the whole group, or individual participants needs to be rescued by the authorities while doing a course in Denmark with Thule Expeditions


Pictures & other media

  • Pictures from the course taken by Thule Expeditions and shared with the participants, cannot be used by the participants in any way for any commercial exploits. Meaning, the pictures/media cannot be used by the participants for promotion of anything at all that can create commercial value. Neither can the pictures be shown nor shared with anybody who has commercial interest in exploiting Norway, Greenland or Denmark.

  • In case a participant violates this point, be assured that they will be sued by Thule Expeditions

  • In case the participant plans on using his/hers own pictures/media from the course/trip for any commercial exploit imaginable, they are obliged to inform the guide at Thule Expeditions about this, well ahead before the course/trip starts.

Thank you for accepting the Terms & Conditions, an invoice will be sent shortly to the email address you have provided

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